* Cancel.java
* The package functions contains the different class executing the different functions of the FlightSystem Reservation.
package reservation.system.functions;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
* This class hold Cancel structure. This object allows to cancel a reservation for different person or for a whole of person by calling the methods <CODE>cancel</CODE> in {@link reservation.system.FlightSystem}.
* @author Texier Mathieu and Frederic Bidon
public class Cancel extends Functions {
* Cancel several person or a whole of person if the command <CODE>cancel</CODE> and their arguments are correct.
* @throws Exception if a person name is duplicated or if the person are not canceled.
* @return a confimation's message if the person(s) or the bookingNumber are canceled.
boolean valid;
if (arg.length > 1) {
for (int i = 1; i< arg.length; i++)
setPersonNames.add (arg[i]);
if (setPersonNames.size () != arg.length-1)
throw new Exception ("no duplicate name are allowed in reserve comande");
= fs.
cancel (Integer.
parseInt (arg
[0]), setPersonNames
= fs.
cancel (Integer.
parseInt (arg
if (valid) {
return "Flight canceled \r\n" +
"We are Sorry, if our compagny does not fully satified you and we hope to see you soon.\r\n";
} else {throw new Exception ("The person are not succesfully canceled");}
* Verify that at least one flight is created and also one reservation has been made.
* Verify invariants :
* <PRE>
* - Arguments not null
* - <CODE>bookingNumber</CODE> belongs to [1 <CODE>fs.getBookingNumberMax</CODE>]
* </PRE>
* @throws Exception if the invariants is violated
try {
CheckFlightListNotEmpty ();
CheckBookingListNotEmpty ();
ArgumentIsValid (arg, 1, (short) NUMBER_ARGUMENT_MAX);
if (!checkInteger (arg[0], 1, fs.getBookingNumberMax ()))
throw new Exception ("The argument booking number has to be an integer");
throw new Exception (e.
getMessage ()+ "\r\n" + usage
* Display the usage for the command <CODE>cancel</code>.
* @return the usage.
static public String usage
() {
String usage
= " Usage command cancel: cancel <bookingNumber> [personName1] [personName2] [...]\n\r";
usage += " - The <bookingNumber> is a number and cannot be inferior to 0. \r\n";
usage += " - The arguments <personNameX> which follow correspond to the name of the \n\r";
usage += " different persons that you want to register on the flight.\r\n";
usage += "\t The first letter of each passenger must be in uppercase and \n\r";
usage += " all the other in lowercase.\n\r ";
usage += "\t The number of name cannot be superior to the free place of the plane.\n";
return usage;